Consulting Services
Working at the intersection of philanthropy and community governance
Participatory Grantmaking
I work to design and root participatory practices into all aspects of grantmaking in order to transfer power to the communities receiving funding, creating collaboration and community in the process. I have worked with funders of all kinds: individuals, foundations, non-profits, intermediaries, and collaborative groups. I have specific expertise in the closed collective model of participatory grantmaking. I've been a practitioner of participatory grantmaking for over 12 years and have designed and led over 20 participatory grantmaking processes across many issue areas.
Definition: Participatory grantmaking cedes decision-making power about funding decisions - including the strategy and criteria behind those decisions - to the communities that funders and foundations aim to serve.
Integrated Capital
I am passionate about liberating charitable money to provide flexible, catalytic, and non-extractive capital to entrepreneurs creating a regenerative economy. I work with donors, foundations and non-profits to amend investment policies to allow for more creative investment structures, to evaluate investment opportunities to determine a structure that best serves the funding recipient, and to flow capital to people and groups who are traditionally excluded from the financial system.
Definition: Integrated capital is the coordinate use of different forms of financial capital and non-financial resources to support an enterprise that's working to solve complex social and environmental problems.
Participatory Grantmaking - designing and supporting participatory grantmaking processes
Community-led funds - governance, operations and best practices
Donor Advised Funds - operations, investments, and embedding trust-based and restorative practices
International grantmaking and charitable carve-outs
Grantmaking to Individuals and other non-501c3 organizations
Philanthropic investment policy
Trust-based philanthropy
Community decision making processes
Integrated capital - deploying flexible, non-extractive capital that centers community wealth and power
Cultivating communities of practice
participatory grantmaking community-led grantmaking Integrated capital community-led governance Philanthropy Grantmaking Donor Advised Funds Shift the Power
Regenerative Economy Restorative Economy Liberating capital Shared Gifting Grant making Community-led decision making co-creative design