Buhles Consulting
Transform your giving
Participatory Grantmaking | Integrated Capital | Community-led Governance
I believe philanthropic capital has a reparative role to play in the transition to a just economy by funding new models that shift power and wealth to communities in perpetuity.
I believe philanthropic capital has a reparative role to play in the transition to a just economy by funding new models that shift power and wealth to communities in perpetuity.
Photos by Amanda Joy, Steve Shuey, Thomas Szegvary, Katy Dormer, Marisa Hamvay, Kelby Balson, and me
participatory grantmaking community-led grantmaking Integrated capital community-led governance Philanthropy Grantmaking Donor Advised Funds Shift the Power
Regenerative Economy Restorative Economy Liberating capital Shared Gifting Grant making Community-led decision making co-creative design